A New Approach

Leveraging decades of high-level industry experience and proprietary analytical technology, we have developed investment products that enable investors to bypass the banks and middlemen while earning passive income returns of up to 13% annual interest rate.

Regulation D


Open for Investment

  1. Accredited investors are defined as having a net worth over $1 million (excluding primary residence) or income over $200,000 (individual) or $300,000 (household) in each of the prior two years, and reasonably expect the same for the current year. Learn more about accreditation requirements here.
  2. Interest rates are dependent on accreditation status and investment amount. $25K minimum investment.
  3. Monthly compounding of interest: No interest payable until maturity

Our Investment Process

Investors can earn a 9-13% annual interest rate* via corporate fixed-rate bonds.

*Interest rates vary based on accreditation status, desired length of term, and minimum investment. Compounding Interest is available only to accredited investors with a $25K minimum investment. Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Interest Paid to Bondholders*
$ 82.7 M
Phoenix Investors
4.5 K+

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*Total interest paid” is reflective of total interest paid and accrued on all bonds issued by the Company and its subsidiaries through 9.30.24. This amount includes $82.7 million paid to bondholders and does not include $18.6 million paid to lenders who are also investors in the Company. The interests paid and accrued includes a portion of interest related to bonds issued by the Company for which Dalmore did not serve as the Broker Dealer but is consistent with the disclosure by the Company in its financials.

Why Invest With Phoenix?

Since 2020, when yields hit historic lows, the yield market has been slow to rebound. Because of our business model and strategy, we are able to offer fixed corporate bonds in a low-yield environment.

Our technology allows us to assess the earning potential of each target asset. Once acquired, certain assets can generate immediate monthly revenues that allow us to distribute yields to our investors.

Investments with Phoenix Energy have 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11-year terms. This means you can find a bond option that best fits your goals.

Investor Testimonials

The testimonials may not be representative of other investors not listed on this page. The testimonials are no guarantee of future performance or success of the company or a return on investment. 

Phoenix Capital Group is now Phoenix Energy!